Powertek IRF-RMS 直流电流探头 交流传感器
AC rms input to dc converter
Bandwidth: DC-50kHz
Optional ac coupled version
0.5% accuracy
Input impedance 50ohm or 100kohm
Accurate with waveform crest factors: 1 - 5
Input ranges: 2mV to 50V input
Wide range of dc outputs:
0-100mV, 0-1V, 0-5V, 0-10V
0-20mA, 4-20mA and 5-25mA
Power: 12, 24, 48, 110Vdc, 110Vac or 230Vac power
MC133 Power Energy Calibrator
MC133C Compact Power Energy Calibrator
MC133Ci Electric Power Calibrator
MC140 Multi Function Calibrator
MC140i Multi Function Calibrator
MC141 Portable Calibrator
MC142 Multifunction Calibrator
MC151 Precision Current Calibrator
CTA3ph Flexible current transformer
CTA Flexible Current Transformer
Rogowski Current Transformer
RCTrms Current Transformer
ATH Current Transducer
IRF Current Sensing Probe
CTHR AC Current Sensors, Transducers, Probes
LFR Current Probes
RCTi & RCTi 3ph Current Sensors
CWT LF Wideband current probes
CWT & CWT LF Current Probes
CWT Mini HF Current Sensor
CWT Miniature Wideband Current Probe
CWT Ultra-Miniature High Frequency Current Probe
CMC Rogowski Current Probe
IP520 Current Probe
PA1600 Power Analyzer
PA2100 Power Analyzer
PA110 & PA120 Watt Meters
PA2553 Power Analyzer
PA2640 Power Analyzer
PA2801 & PA2802 Wattmeters